Life is better together.

At The Grove, we believe that life wasn’t meant to be done alone and that's what we believe our growth groups are all about. We believe that relationships develop and lives are changed as we gather together, connect with each other, and grow with one another.  

We know that it can be challenging to get connected. 

We also know that groups are not "one size fits all." That's why we have many opportunities for anyone. We have guys meeting for coffee before work or after work.  We have ladies meeting weekly sharing life together. We have families meeting in homes in the middle of the week, eating food, and sharing their wins, weaknesses, and things they need to work on. There is something available for everyone.  

What do our growth groups do?

Each group is unique and the activities are as diverse as the groups. Our groups simply meet, do life together, and discover how we can develop our lives, our relationships, our faith and be real, open, and honest.

What if none of these work for you?

If there's not a group that fits your schedule or meets your interest, we encourage you to create one. Just contact us and we'll help you! It's simple. We'll talk through what you can do and what resources are available for you to get you going!

Get in. Engage with others. Grow together.



Meeting every Tuesday at 10am, the Blackmon’s create an opportunity for adults to connect—to be able to gather together, share how their week is going, and work through the weekend message or a relevant, relatable, life applicable book learning about the Bible or study of the bible and how it applies to every aspect of our lives. If interested or for more details, click here.

College & Early Career, 18-29 - Dennis and Michelle Stanifer

Whether you’ve just completed high school or college or are somewhere in between, and you are trying to figure out what God has in store for you, the College & Early Career Growth Group may be where you’re being called. Join us on Thursday nights at 6pm. Come out and grow together in your faith, in your walk, and living like Jesus in your every day life. If interested or for more details, click here.

Paint and Praise - Kathleen Green

Come fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ as we use and expand the creativity God has given us. We'll have fun painting, crafting, and praising Jesus. We'll meet every second Wednesday of the month at 6pm. If interested or for more details, click here.


Can’t get to church often? Please join us on Tuesday afternoons at 1pm; in doing so, we’ll all feel more connected to what’s happening in the physical building. We’ll have the opportunity to support each other in prayer, by discussing current messages, and in other ways as He leads. If this sounds like your kind of community and you’re interested in more details, click here.

Young Newlyweds - Josh and Hannah Fadeley

Navigating newlywed life can be both challenging and a ton of fun! We hope to build meaningful community through fellowship and Biblical discussion. Join us on Tuesday evenings at 6:30! If this sounds like your kind of community and you’re interested in more details, click here.

ADULTS in South Tville - Rene and Claudia Quintero

Join us for an in-depth Bible Study and get to know the heart of God better as we meet to study God’s Word, pray, and share the joys and challenges of life. We meet every Wednesday evening at 6.30pm. If this sounds like your kind of community and you’re interested in more details, click here.

Bible for Beginners - Stephanie Friedl

If you struggle to find time to engage with the Word daily, join “No Excuses” to keep it simple and better understand the Bible together. Using a mix of daily Bible readings, brief audio lessons (podcast/YouTube), and an app for regular discussion, there really are no excuses! We’ll meet in person monthly (day/time TBD by YOU). If interested or for more details, click here.

Couples in Titusville - Marc and Kelly Lowen

We know the joys and complexities of marriage. We know that life is better when shared with others. It’s for that reason that we invite you to join us each week on Thursdays from 6-7.30pm as we share life and read through a chapter of the Bible. Childcare is typically available. If interested or for more details, click here.

The Wheir’s Marriage Group - Matt and Mel Wheir

Hi! We know that marriage is tough and we’re not perfect! We need you as much as you need us. We’ll gather every other Thursday at 6pm to pray, fellowship, eat, and navigate this thing called marriage. If this sounds like your kind of community, and you’re interested in more details, click here.

Adults in Titusville - Dennis and Tina Adamson

Meeting every Thursday at 1pm, the Adamson’s create an opportunity for adults to connect—to be able to gather together, share how their week is going, and work through the weekend message or a relevant, relatable, life-applicable book learning about the Bible or study of the bible and how it applies to every aspect of our lives. If interested or for more details, click here.

Crochet WITH Love - Sandra Breuer

Come crochet, fellowship, worship, and have a whole lot of fun with us. Whether you are brand new or have been crocheting for years, everyone is welcome. Join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursday from 7pm to 9pm. If you would like more details, click here.

Programs & Stuff - B.O.B and Salli

Join us each Friday at 3pm to stuff programs. We'll pray, fellowship, laugh, and get the programs ready for the weekend. We’re hoping to add additional helpful “stuff” as we figure it out. If this sounds like your kind of community and you’re interested in more details, click here.

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ADULTS: ladies

ladies - rachel demetropoulos

Meeting the first Sunday of the month at 8:30am, this group is for all married ladies whose spouses do not attend church with them. This time is set aside to pray for our families, our marriages, and most importantly for God to work miraculously in and through us as we live out life with our partners. Come join us for coffee and prayer prior to the 9:30 service! If interested or for more details, click here.

young moms - shannon hankes

Once a month on Thursday at 6:30pm, Shannon Hankes meets with young moms who connect together in the same season of life sharing challenges, experiences, while also looking to grow together through praying, conversations, and weekend talking points. If interested or for more details, click here.

Grove Titus 2 Moms - Shelly Russell

Grove Titus 2 is a once a month time of refreshment for Moms. Come relax, enjoy a light breakfast and be encouraged by moms who are a step ahead in the journey. Meets the first Monday of the month from 10am-noon in the lobby. Childcare available for children age 4 and under. RSVP to 321-289-5501. If interested or for more details, click here.

Moms in Prayer - Shelly Russell

Do you have a passion to pray for your child or grandchild and their school? Would you like to be a part of a group that meets regularly to pray for the students and schools in Titusville and Brevard county? Then join us Wednesday mornings from 8.30-9.30am as in the Grove Prayer Chapel. God is doing great things! If interested or for more details, click here.

Single Ladies, 18-35 - Rachel Larchar

This group is a chance for unmarried women without children to make connections with other like-minded women.  We will be going through various Bible studies and learning how to grow our relationship with God in this season of our lives.  Join us Sunday nights from 6-8.  We look forward to meeting you! If interested or for more details, click here.

Book Club - Anna Howell

Are you looking for a casual book club where women can encourage each other while sharing books with themes of faith? Book club picks will be decided by the group and may include fiction or non-fiction, secular or Christian, and classics or contemporary picks. The truth of Jesus can be found everywhere. The group meets on the first Monday of every month at 7pm to discuss books while sharing food and faith. If interested or for more details, click here.

Ladies Bible Study - Nancy Flemming and Trudy Ledford

Join us on Wednesday mornings at 9.30 in the Grove Chapel as we gather together to pray and fellowship. We’ll grow alongside each other and in Him as we review Sunday’s messages as well as discuss current equipping courses. If interested or for more details, click here.

Women of the Word - Victoria Bassham

Let’s share a part of our lives and practice keeping God at the center of all things. We’ll do that through studying the Bible in-depth, fellowshipping, and building friendships. Join us on Mondays at 6pm. If interested or for more details, click here.

Ladies - Edna Wilson

On Tuesdays from 6 to 8:30pm, Edna and her group gather together to laugh and learn. No matter what your story is or what season of life you’re in, you will find friendship and encouragement. If interested or for more details, click here.

Young Moms - Shaina Montgomery

Join us every other Wednesday morning from 9-11. This is a time for you young moms and kids to make new friendships and deepen your relationships with God. We’ll have coffee and light snacks—you are encouraged to bring a snack/dish to share as well. We have a large backyard and playground, so play attire for the kids is best. :) If this sounds interesting to you, click here.

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Men in PORT ST. JOHN - Chris Han

Every Tuesday morning at 6am, Chris meets with other men at Port Java Coffee Shop, where they meet to work through a book of the Bible, chapter by chapter, and engaging in discussion. If interested or for more details, click here

Men - Shaun daly

Meeting every Wednesday night at 6:30pm, this is an opportunity for guys to get together, talk about life issues, and grow together in God's word and other purpose-driven material. If interested or for more details, click here.

Iron Men - Donald Durm

Meeting every 1st Friday at 6pm, the Iron Men seek to build friendship, strengthen each other’s faith, and challenge each other to live as Jesus Christ taught. During our gatherings, we will share our month’s recap, dive into deep theological conversation, and end the night with epic board games. Stay for the first half or the whole 3 hours. If this sounds interesting to you, click here.

Young Men - Luke Shallenberger

Meeting every Thursday night at 7pm, this group focuses on building up young, unmarried men into the Godly leaders we're called to be. Through the study of God's Word, we'll learn how to put Biblical manhood into practice in every aspect of our lives while enjoying the fellowship of like-minded men. If interested or for more details, click here.

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Grands Raising Grands - Michele Register

We’ll gather once a month on the third Thursday of each month, beginning in August, to share tips, tricks, tales, and trials for overcoming the obstacles of those of us who have been called to raise our grandchildren—the next generation—to love, respect, and honor each other. We mostly want to them to know that they are children of God. School-age children are welcome to attend. If interested or for more details, click here.

Families in PSJ - Keith and Heather Roberts

Join us as we study the Bible and discuss how His Word applies to our lives today. Every other Monday from 6 to 8pm, we’ll gather to support each other and our families as we walk in the same direction. Childcare is available and even the littles will get a lesson! If interested or for more details, click here.

Families in Edgewater - Nathaniel and Stephanie Morales

Hola/Hello! Join us on Mondays at 6.30pm for a casual Bible study where families of all ages are welcome! Our goal is to have genuine community with one another as we seek to grow in our Faith! We are also a bilingual family! If interested or for more details, click here.

Families with Special Needs - Drew and Justine Smith

Our group was created to support fellowship and relationships for families with special needs family members. We have a special needs/medically complex child and would love to connect and help support other families with similar needs. If you would like more details, click here.

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middle school Guys (7th - 8th) - Ashton Johnson

Middle school boys and Ashton are committed to meeting together on Wednesdays at 8am. During their time, Ashton will invest in middle school guys, walking with them through the experiences they will encounter at this age, and sharing scriptural wisdom and insight relevant and relatable to their age. Student groups follow the BCSB calendar. If interested or for more details, click here.

Eighth Grade Girls (8th) - Christi Quintero

Christi meets her eighth-grade girls on Thursday mornings at 8am. While they’re together, they’ll learn and grow through the experiences often accompanying this age. They’ll always learn how to apply the Word to situations in their lives. Student groups follow the BCSB calendar. If interested or for more details, click here.

Sophomore Girls (10th grade) - Kennedi Johnson

Kennedi and her sophomore girls meet every Friday morning at 7am. They study the Bible together in 6-9 week chunks and discuss any one of a million things a 10th grader could possibly go through. Student groups follow the BCSB calendar. If interested or for more details, click here.

Junior Girls (11th grade) - Shelly Russell

Ms. Shelly meets with her junior girls every Friday morning from 7-8am. While they’re together, they’ll grow in God’s Word applying It to all things. Student groups follow the BCSB calendar. If interested or for more details, click here.

TEEN Girls 9th-12th) - Renee RATCLIFFE

Young people within the church community need to continue to have opportunities to trust and grow in their relationships with God. Renee and Dave meet with their groups on Tuesday evenings at Sunrise from 6.30-8.30pm. They hope to help propel teens to be faithful to Christ in all they do as they grow in their faith. Student groups follow the BCSB calendar. If interested or for more details, click here.

TEEN GUYs (9th - 12th) - Dave Elmore

Young people within the church community need to continue to have opportunities to trust and grow in their relationships with God. Dave and Renee meet with their groups on Tuesday evenings at Sunrise from 6.30-8.30pm. They hope to help propel teens to be faithful to Christ in all they do as they grow in their faith. Student groups follow the BCSB calendar. If interested or for more details, click here.

High school Guys (9th - 12th) - Barry Russell

Meeting every Thursday morning at 7.15, Barry will connect with high school guys, investing in them to help them navigate common experiences that these guys will encounter. They will be taught to trust in Him in all their ways. Student groups follow the BCSB calendar. If interested or for more details, click here.

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Law Enforcement, Military, First Responders for Men

LEMFR is a community of anonymity, confidentiality, and mutual identity. It’s a safe, open, honest, and transparent environment where law enforcement, military, and first responders can share their experiences with an opportunity to focus on solutions. What’s said here, stays here. We meet on Mondays at 6pm. If interested or for more details, click here.

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  • Group of NA®: “A Shot of Hope,” 6.30-7.30pm


  • Men’s Meeting, 6-7am, Grove Café

  • Men’s Open Discussion, 7-8pm


  • Men’s Meeting, 6-7am, Grove Café

  • Men’s Literature, 7-8pm


  • Men’s Meeting, 6-7am, Grove Café

  • Community Night Speaker Meeting, 6-7pm

  • Mothers of Addicted Loved Ones, 6-7pm

  • Families of Addicted Loved Ones, 6-7pm


  • Men’s 12-Step Group @ Sunrise Bakery, 6-7am

  • Group of AA®: “Why We Were Chosen,” 6.30-7.30pm


  • Men’s 12-Step Group @ Sunrise Bakery, 6-7am

  • Group of NA®: “A Shot of Hope,” 6.30-7.30pm

  • Ladies’ 12-Step Group, 6.30-7.30pm

  • Group of AA®: “Why We Were Chosen,” 8-9pm


  • Coed “Saturday Night Live,” 6.30-7.30pm

If interested or for more details, click here.

All Recovery groups are hosted at the Grove Church Facility unless otherwise noted.
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